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Peyton has a fever

It's about 5:30 PM on Thursday and I'm taking Peyton to All Children's Hospital because she has a fever of 102.

Keep us in your prayers!


3 Comments on “Peyton has a fever”

  1. #1 Peter Mayhew
    on Sep 14th, 2006 at 11:37 pm

    Just a quick little update. Anissa took Peyton up to All Children's tonight. She has a fever, as posted. We had told her we were done with doctors for the week, so this was a definite blow to her morale. When I got home from work, she was in tears because Anissa had to get her ready to be "accessed", and Peyton knows what that means. She was pretty darn ticked off that she had to head back up there and immediately fell back into her "protection mode". She didn't want anyone to touch her because she was afraid it would hurt. We got her somewhat calmed down and she kind of understood why it had to happen, but was not too pleased.

    When she got checked into her room, she realized how cool it can be up there, what with all the toys and the whole bed to herself, and people waiting on her hand and foot, so her bad mood didn’t last too terribly long.

    Many thanks to a co-worker of mine, Geoff Poole, for covering the evening for me. As you all have probably read, we’re surrounded by many, many people who have stepped up to do extraordinary things to help us out in some way or another throughout this ordeal.

  2. #2 Grandma Pat
    on Sep 15th, 2006 at 2:42 pm

    Dear Peter & Anissa,
    We are praying for Peyton's comfort and recovery, and for the love and grace of God to be manifest toward you in all of this. Praying for comfort, strength, and patience for you as parents, and also for comfort for Nathaniel and Rachael. God bless and keep you all. Please call us if you need anything we can do to help. Keep us informed as things change please. My women's online prayer group is praying for you too.
    Grandma Pat

  3. #3 Lisa Bedrosian
    on Sep 15th, 2006 at 6:48 pm

    My heart is aching that you have to be there, but praying Peyton gets great care and continues to see the positives of her surroundings. May God give you rest, even if it is not in the form of sleep.

    Much love,
    Lisa for the family