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The theology of belly buttons

In the event that telemarketers continue to plague my house, I have hatched a new plan! Peter tells me that a pool company called, one that he had contacted a long time ago about pool ideas (we were as close to buying a pool as we were to growing stalks of celery out of our belly buttons), but he just wanted information, no biggie. They call today to give him a hard time about why we haven’t bought the pool yet! And I have an epiphany….it’s a good one….every time someone calls my house to sell us something, upgrade something, invite us to try something new and interesting….I’m going to turn it around and try to get them to donate to Relay for Life. Yes, I am going to see how long it takes a telemarketer to hang up on me! Every time they try to bring me back to their reason for calling, I’m going to find another way to ask them to donate money….it’s a beautiful plan. I think I’ll get dropped off a lot of call lists.

Peter and I celebrated our 9th anniversary today. It was a day that reflected the amazing closeness of our relationship, the depth of our togetherness….he went to the Apple computer store at the International Mall and I went panhandling all over Brandon for donations for our Relay auction. We did text each other on the phone though!

Peyton went with Grandma Sharon today so that I could hit what felt like half the stores and restaurants in Brandon for charity donations. I got a surprising amount of “Nope, can’t help you” responses, but I also got some wonderfully compassionate gifts to use in our fundraising efforts. I still have a lot of places to go and things to pick up, but it looks like the auction portion of our Relay onsite fundraising is going to be awesome! I have found that I have a real knack for asking for stuff for a good cause and staring at people until they squirm their way into handing me a gift card….we all have our talents, I guess.

We got surprised tonight with a visit by most of the Powell family! Adelaine turned 3 today, Angela and Doug took her to Busch Gardens for the day (her brothers are camping in GA with grandparents) and they came over to our place for birthday pizza and cupcakes after. The Powells can’t come to our house any other time because Mason, their oldest son, is madly allergic to dogs…especially Labradors…Buffet being a Labrador making it an issue. Angela is an extreme cleaning nut, I am not….you should have seen the mad rush to put our house in some sort of order for the Powells to arrive. Whooo hooo, whoever said Rome wasn’t built in a day didn’t watch me crack the whip over the kids to help clean up the house….those Romans were SLACKERS!

Nathaniel and Rachael did us exceptionally proud with their report cards. Nathaniel got a string of A’s down the board….Principal’s honor roll all the way! He got 6 merit points out of 7, that last merit point being for “No tardies”….I told him not to hold his breath on ever making that last merit point. Poor kid. We only live a block from the school and they’ve been late twice this week! Rachael is still raising the bar for kindergarteners. The child loves to read and is amazingly good at it, she’s reading chapter books for 2-3rd graders and I’m seriously praying for the 1st grade teacher that has to try to stay one step ahead of this kid.

Nathaniel brought up a very interesting question in the car on the way home from school. Let me know what you think of this one.

“Mom, do you know how Adam and Eve are different from the rest of us?”

“They got to run around naked all the time and no one pointed at them?”

“No, like their bodies. How are they different?”

“I have no idea? What are you talking about?”

“They didn’t have belly buttons.”


“Well, you get belly buttons from growing in your mom’s belly and since Adam and Eve were never babies they wouldn’t have belly buttons!”

Follow this conversation with a moment of silence and a look that blatantly says "I'm just a little smarter than you, Mom!" Of that, I have no doubts.

Deep thoughts by Nathaniel Mayhew….chew on that one.

f.r.o.G….fully relying on God

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