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I couldn't quite think of how I wanted to put together my post for Mother's Day. Then I started getting all these emails. Emails about what it means to be a mom, what the "mom" job entails, why moms are so important. And what I've come to realize it that we are SERIOUSLY underpaid, moms! So now I get the chance to just gush shamelessly about the moms in my life.

For my mother, the woman who chose to be my mom, to take in a child when she could have had more of her own. She is special. My mom has had to deal with my teenage years, my years of rebellion and limit-pushing, she's shared tears for me and with me. She's been there for the births of my children, holding my hand, comforting me through the blinding pain and letting me know that "hey, women have doing this for years, suck it up and get my grandchild out here." When my kids have grated on my last nerve I've called her up to hear her laugh….yes, I've got the children she always prayed I'd have. She has loved me no matter what I've done, said or gotten myself into. She's become my friend, my rock, a shoulder I can turn to when I think I can't do this mom gig anymore. I thank God that He chose this woman to pick me out of many to become my mother, and I'm so endlessly thankful that she answered the call. I wouldn't be able to be the mom I am today if I didn't have you. I love you, Mom.

For my mother-in-law, the woman who raised the child who became the man that is the love of my life. Thank you. I hear so many tales of the in-law battles, the fights and frustrations…and I know that I was blessed to be given a M-I-L that loves me and I love in return. When I married Peter I had no idea that the vows that we would take, his mother would be taking as well. She has been by our side through the good times and bad, through the sickness and health and has done so with a prayer in her heart and love in her spirit. I can honestly say I have no idea how we would be getting through the past two years without Sharon, she's been the one to make sure meals are made, laundry is cleaned, the children are picked up from school and cared for when we can't be there, she makes sure we know we know we are never without a backup….she is priceless (and yes, a few have made offers for her…we're keeping her). Thank you, Sharon, for loving us all with the complete commitment that you do. You are a blessing every day.

For my sister, my childhood nemesis who has become my greatest friend and support. I love you so much….and I'm glad you managed to live through my torturous years to become the outstanding woman you are today. I am so proud to be your sister and to be able to call you mine. I can't wait for the day when your daughters call you up and truly realize the blessing that they were given when God passed them to you and gave them to you to raise.

I have so many mom-friends…the ones who had children before me and said "You too can have sleepless nights, frantic days, a messy house and the weight of the world on your shoulders" and made me want it!….the ones who are just now discovering the amazing wonders of motherhood with their first babies, still steeped in the newness and wonder of this amazing person who lived in their body….the ones who juggle and organize and make it work, so that a family still exists at the end of every day…the ones who've become my friends through a bond of fear, pain, encouragement and support, the ones who stand beside their children and fight the cancer battle every day….God has blessed my life with all these amazing women, to lift and be uplifted. I am thankful for each one.

I know that being a mom has never been more profound for me than it has for the past 10 months…exactly 10 months from the day Peyton was diagnosed. Each day with my kids has been more precious and more treasured than ever before and although I hate that it had to come to cancer to make it so, I am blessed because I never take a moment with them for granted. Every day is a mother's day for me, I GET to be their mom….I GET to be the referee, the lunch-maker, the bath-giver, the enforcer, the swing-pusher and the homework guardian…I get to answer questions like "Who would win, Spiderman or Superman?', I get to threaten to leave my kids at Wal-mart if they ask me to buy them ONE MORE THING!…I get to hear their nightly prayers, kiss their clean fresh faces and promise to love them more every day.

My friend Basi, who's daughter Kate has Optic Glioma, said it in a way I want to share with all the moms…"To all the diaper changing, carseat snapping, shoe tieing, tucking and kissing, lunch-packing, homework checking, diaper bag carrying, moms out there, happy mother's day weekend, you all inspire me and make me proud to say I'm a mom!"

Yeah. What she said.

f.r.o.G…fully relying on God

2 Comments on “Mom”

  1. #1 Pat Mayhew
    on May 13th, 2007 at 12:33 pm

    Happy Mother's Day Anissa!
    I hope you have a wonderful day full of love and appreciation. I really love your new banner with the photo of Peyton and the violets at the heading of your webpage! Have a great day!
    Love and Blessings,
    Grandma Pat Mayhew

  2. #2 Angela
    on May 14th, 2007 at 6:06 am

    Mother's day brought many special memories. I love you too. Mother's day and Katie's 13th BD were one and the same. Half of my girls are now teenagers. Where has the time gone?
    We are always praying…