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Peyton’s New ‘Do

🙂 Peyton’s nurse suggested cutting her hair because her hair is at the point it’s going to start coming out. Yesterday, she and I sat down and had a discussion about cutting it and who should do it which consisted of this:

“Can Miss Theresa cut your hair?”
“NO! You do it!”
“Ummmm…can Miss Kim cut your hair?”
“No! You do it!”
“Mommy will buy you an ice cream if we get it done at Cost Cutters.”
“No! Mommy do it!”

So, with scissors in hand, I did the deed. And as I’ve posted with the pictures of her new haircut, the good thing about the chemo is that the haircut will be falling out soon, so that’s not a bad thing! It’s not terrible, but not something you’d want to wear to the prom.

She’s also getting seriously round. They call it “moon face”, a side effect from eating like a linebacker from the steroids, but she also looks about 6 months pregnant, it’s so cute. She looks like a little chipmunk with these round little cheeks….she looks a lot like me, actually. hahahaha

You have to love the honesty of children also. In telling Rachael and Nathaniel about Peyton’s medicine and what it was going to do to Peyton’s hair, this really concerned Rachael. She wanted to know if people were going to laugh at her. I just thought that was so sweet that she didn’t want people to make fun of her sister. Then she says, ” Because she’s probably going to look pretty funny. I’ll laugh at her a little bit, but just once and I’ll do it real quiet.” We all cope in our own ways.

We’ve had a wonderful response to the website, friends and family, strangers (or new friends, as we prefer to think of them) have just flooded in to bring best wishes and encouragement. We appreciate everyone and all the wonderful support!


1 Comment on “Peyton’s New ‘Do”

  1. #1 Angela
    on Aug 2nd, 2006 at 9:14 pm

    Did you use tape to help get a straight line? I am guessing you didn’t.

    She looks really cute. Way to go mom!
