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Could you speak up please?



Are you talking to me?

Are YOU talking TO.ME?

And I don’t mean that in a Robert De Niro sort of way, I mean that in a oh-my-holy-freaking-heck-I-am-partially-deaf-NOW sort of way.

Why would I be partially deaf you might ask?

I totally wouldn’t answer you because I.CAN’T.HEAR.YOU.

My friend Natalie drove up from Tampa and we pinky blood oath swore to take our girls to the American Girl store *kicks self in ass for not thinking of this idea first and raking in the unbelievable amount of $$$* for an afternoon of gleeful girly goodness.

The cause of the deaf?

There is a level of squealing that doesn’t just burst the ear drum, it actually makes the ear drum disintegrate into microscopic bits that travel up the ear canal, enter your brain and eat it from the inside out.

There are few events that can cause that sound to occur….boy band appearances and American Girl stores.

Should you be the unlucky witness to a boy band appearance AT an American Girl store? Run for your everloving life.

But for all the brain-eating squeeeing and rushing madly back and forth between clothes and accessories and books and movies and furniture and scooters and OHMYGOSHdidyouseethebackpackIjusthavetohavethatNOWNOWNOW! it was so much fun to watch Rachael just losing her mind in a shopping frenzy of indecision.

Did I mention that Rachael’s Kit doll totally got her hair done? In a chair? By a doll stylist? Costing $10? For a DOLL’S.HAIR. Seriously, by a chick who gets paid to live the dream of playing with dolls for a living.


That doll is so much better groomed than I am. Not FAIR.


No matter.

Because, in return, I got this:


Totally worth it.

17 Comments on “Could you speak up please?”

  1. #1 melissa
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 8:05 am

    I feel your pain and I have experienced it as well, however, it was in the form of a Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana Concert.

    Doll Salon, sigh. If Barbie only knew how deprived she was.
    But yes, their face in the end. Totally worth is. You’re kids are adorable.

    “OHMYGOSHdidyouseethebackpackIjusthavetohavethatNOWNOWNOW!” – too funny!

  2. #2 krystle @snarkykisses
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 8:07 am

    Adorable!! That smile makes the deafness all worth it πŸ˜‰

    krystle @snarkykissess last blog post..Mah New Toy!

  3. #3 Jodee
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 8:19 am

    Ah I remember getting my first American Girl Doll at 11 and I loved it. I can’t wait until Kyboo is big enough to get one…. Thanks fro sharing… you daughter is so beautiful..

    Jodees last blog post..Our 4th of July weekend…

  4. #4 Maria
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 8:26 am

    Oh man.

    Marias last blog post..identity

  5. #5 Patty
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 9:11 am

    This is why I love having boys…

  6. #6 MonsteRawr
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 9:58 am

    My husband and I like to walk through that store periodically and re-affirm our decision to never have children. It works.

    MonsteRawrs last blog post..This post is about nothing. Seriously, nothing.

  7. #7 tena
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 10:38 am

    It’s a cute idea, but I tell my girls that the American Girl Doll store is a cult that turns them into dolls because I can’t drop that kind of cash on anyone but me- and we just keep their American Girl dolls looking like Medussa after a long night of drinking.

    tenas last blog post..me being pathetic, again.

  8. #8 melissa
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    *your* too early in the morning…

    melissas last blog post..bostonmama79: @PrincessJenn not having that much fun…I’m in work πŸ˜‰

  9. #9 MG @ MommyGeekology
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    That looks like so much fun! And the doll’s hair looks fabulous. I hope you tipped her.

    MG @ MommyGeekologys last blog post..Hack

  10. #10 GhtoPrincess
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 1:34 pm

    Too cute!! I have to say…seeing the after picture of the doll’s hair that was probably kinda worth $10.

    The entire time I was growing up all I wanted was the Samantha doll. I wasn’t even picky…didn’t care if she had all these accessories and stuff just wanted Samantha. Never happened. I’ll probably have to suck it up and by her myself one of these days. Wow that sounds sad!

    GhtoPrincesss last blog post..It’s more than just making sure you’re wearing clean underware

  11. #11 Amo
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 2:08 pm

    THIS?! Is exactly why God gave me boys. I would have puked on the floor.

    Although, the smile is all sorts of precious!

    Amos last blog post..It’s only a day away.

  12. #12 Issa
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    So when my oldest heard I was going to Chicago for BH, she asked me if I would go and get her one of those dolls at the AG store in Chicago, because she looked it up and there is one there.

    Sigh. Some days the girl scares me.

    Issas last blog post..Hi, I’m Issa. Wanna know how weird I am?

  13. #13 Janna
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    I am SO with Amo on this one…

    Jannas last blog post..My Must-Not-Forget-to-Pack List for Disney

  14. #14 always home and uncool
    on Jul 7th, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    And now you know my pain.

    always home and uncools last blog post..I Love the Smell of Horsehide in the Morning

  15. #15 Ashley Hast
    on Jul 8th, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    I’d like to know just how they do the dolls hair. All my barbie’s, my little ponies, etc. always looked like they’d just finished a rough night out on the street after I *did* their hair.

  16. #16 Amy @ Atlanta with Kid
    on Jul 8th, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    That smile is totally worth it.

    Did you check out their free events through out the Summer? I mean if you can NOT spend money there then it will be FREE. πŸ™‚

    I listed it out on my blog here:

    Amy @ Atlanta with Kids last blog post..Fun Interactive Fountains for Kids Around Atlanta

  17. #17 Early Pregnancy Signs
    on Jul 9th, 2009 at 4:00 pm

    Aww, but look at the face, totally worth it! πŸ™‚