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Mission accomplished!

I got to go on the field trip with my boy!

He’s so handsome.

We went to a Junior Achievement learning experience where the kids got to assume roles within many businesses. They had to accomplish task such as keeping and balancing a checkbook, paying their employees, and working in their businessees.  Nathaniel was a lawyer. He was the CEO of “his firm”.

It was hysterical when he gave his speech at the end of the day to all the other CEO’s.

His case?

The mayor was suing a blogger who had written all sorts of slanderous things on their blog and caused the mayor to lose his job and professioal ruin. Nathaniel was responsible for ruling on the case and he decided against the blogger, fined him equal to a year of the mayor’s salary and thirty days of jail.


I swear, every time Nathaniel said the word “blog” he got the biggest grin on his face.

We ate lunch together, I got to watch him show off all his smartzy-pants skills.  Such a proud mama I am. He’s one amazing boy.

7 Comments on “Mission accomplished!”

  1. #1 Beverly
    on Oct 11th, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    I’m so glad that you were able to go on the field trip…special times.

    Still, remember that it’s not the lost field trips that your kids will remember when they’re older. They will remember that they were loved.

    Seriously, while Steven was in the hospital recovering from the first brain surgery, David was home celebrating a birthday.

    Without me.

    Even worse, he called me at the hospital that night because he didn’t know how to do his science homework.

    How really, really sad is that?

    But David has grown into the coolest 17 year old kid you’d ever want to meet.

    It’s not the lost birthdays and missed field trips that our children remember. So don’t feel guilty!

    (I tried to post to the original field trip story, and it seems that my message got lost in cyberspace. If it ever shows up here, please forgive my ineptness!)

  2. #2 chris
    on Oct 11th, 2008 at 10:59 pm

    Sounds like you had an amazing day with your son.

    I’m not his mother, but I’ll agree… he’s very handsome – sounds like he’s quite bright too. Lucky you.

  3. #3 Karalyn
    on Oct 11th, 2008 at 11:15 pm

    I am so happy that you got to go. I know how much it meant to Nathaniel…and to you.

  4. #4 Sammanthia
    on Oct 12th, 2008 at 1:10 am

    I’m so glad you got to go! It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun, and that’s hilarious about his ruling on the blogger!

    Sammanthias last blog post..Weekly Winners… Gathering Leaves

  5. #5 Queen of the Mayhem
    on Oct 12th, 2008 at 8:48 am

    I love the second picture! He certainly looks the part!

    I went on a field trip with JM last week…but all we did was pick pumpkins in a patch. I suppose it will be a while before he is CEO ready!

    Queen of the Mayhems last blog post..Sexual Harassment…..Elementary Edition

  6. #6 Marisa
    on Oct 12th, 2008 at 10:18 am

    I am so glad you got to go! You and Nathaniel will always look back to this field trip and say “Remember when we went to Junior Achievement and I was the lawyer that had to decide on the blog case?”

    They have a similar thing in Pinellas county called Enterprise Village that you go to in 5th grade. I was the doctor at Morton Plant when I went and my job was to give everyone check-ups throughout the day.

    That was almost 9 years ago, so I know Nathaniel will never forget this field trip.

  7. #7 Nicole
    on Oct 13th, 2008 at 3:11 am

    What a smart and handsome boy. And so great how he worked a blogger into his case.

    Nicoles last blog post..I Enjoy Being a Girl