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I have evil, winged monkeys and I’m not afraid to use them

An unnatural phenomenon has occurred. One of those things that make you sit back and wonder “How is THIS going to play out?”

*disclaimer and warning: this may fall WAAAAAY into that TMI (too much information) header

The start of Peyton’s time of the month and my time of the month have coincided on the same day. Peyton got her first dose of steroids as all that girly-bit nonsense decided to commence.

This could bring about any interesting number of conflicts or the universe could just implode….watch and see.

Peyton woke up around 3:30 this morning and said, “Mommy, I think I’m hungry.”

I said, “Yeah, me too, why don’t you go make us something.”

“Moooommmmy! I’m on steroids, I’m hungry!”

“Oh yeah? Well, I’m…I’ve got…do you know what….oh never mind, how many eggs do you want?”

We are both hungry, cranky, moody and slightly tilting off our collective rocker. I think NOW would be a great time for Nathaniel and Rachael to decide to run…not walk…for the nearest fallout shelter.

On our way home from the clinic yesterday I felt the building of a catastrophic migraine starting. I think I drove the last couple of miles home by THE FORCE. I got all the kids into the house and promptly went all Excedrin-junkie and laid down on the couch. Feeling a little guilty because Peyton had just had a major chemo dose and I was the one face down on a pillow.

Luckily I caught it before it got too bad, but when Peyton crawled up next to me and we spooned together in our little nest of self-pity, it was a true bonding moment.

We are both feeling better this morning. Neither of us feel compelled to get dressed or actually produce MOVEMENT of any kind, but better. It’s one of those days the two of us could happily lounge in bed all day with a book/movie and a bag of Cheetos/bowl of cream cheese and be perfectly content.

Be proud of us, we’re at least making the most minimal effort. I posted this update and Peyton drew this picture that perfectly showcases our family and how she feels about us.

My first thought was that we were a family of cannibals. Wild, crazy, tribe-dwellers. Not completely off the mark. But it turns out that we are indeed a family of prines and princesses….those are crowns on our royal heads. Except Rachael. I asked her what was up with her sister’s princess.

“She’s not a princess because she made me mad! She don’t gots a crown.”

“Why doesn’t she have any hair?”

“Because she’s bothering me.”


“And I didn’t draw a mouth so she’ll be QUIET!”

This is apparently the 4 year old version of a voo-doo doll.

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4 Comments on “I have evil, winged monkeys and I’m not afraid to use them”

  1. #1 My Cancer Treatments » Blog Archive » I have evil, winged monkeys and I’m not afraid to use them
    on Jul 10th, 2008 at 11:50 am

    […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt […]

  2. #2 Holly
    on Jul 10th, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    How astute of her!

    My, what big eyes you have. All the better to see inside yourselves with, I suppose…. Fun post!

    Hollys last blog post..Lake Surprise

  3. #3 Queen of the Mayhem
    on Jul 10th, 2008 at 2:22 pm

    Beware the home of two PMS sufferers! 🙂

  4. #4 Sarah Clapp
    on Jul 10th, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    HAHA! I love this post! You are truley a gifted writer.

    Sarah Clapps last blog post..A Sort Of Homecoming