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These are the moments moms live for

Getting the kids ready for school and out the door isn't the hardest thing in the world. I could be trying to nail jello to a tree, for instance.

In the bathroom by themselves, when they think no one is paying attention, I hear Rachael and Peyton talking….having a conversation…like two pseudo humans!

Rachael leans over and so sweetly says, "Peyton, I love you."

Peyton looks over and smiles at her and says, "Me too."

I almost burst! These two are generally at each others' throat, they squabble over everything, and they are professing their sisterly love….and I'm not forcing them to do it!!

And then Peyton leans over and says, "I love myself."

f.r.o.G…fully relying on God

3 Comments on “These are the moments moms live for”

  1. #1 Ami Czorapinski
    on Aug 29th, 2007 at 3:29 pm

    Priceless!! That comment from Peyton just made me laugh and I really needed a laugh today. My boys do the same thing. They can be screaming at each other one minute and just when I am ready to sell them on ebay, they will stop and say something like "I need to kiss him good night." Kids! Glad to hear that Peyton is doing well and the school year has started off without too many problems. By the way, I love Peyton's daily attire. I see no reason why she shouldn't dress like a princess everyday!


  2. #2 Ami Czorapinski
    on Aug 29th, 2007 at 3:31 pm

    Oh, and I forgot. Hair is really something to be excited about. YEAH FOR HAIR!!!!!:SMILE

  3. #3 Misty
    on Aug 29th, 2007 at 5:29 pm

    THAT is too funny~~~ out of the mouths of babe's!!:)