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Nothing serious

Peyton had chest and sinus x-rays at the clinic today. With no fever and her lungs sounding clear, they wanted to check for a sinus infection. It turns out that she has a nasty case of sinusitis…something that sounds like a totally made up illness….but luckily it only requires a regiment of antibiotics and she should be good to go. Hopefully, it’ll clear up quickly because she’s been miserable at night.

You know you’ve lost something very important in your brain when you think “YEAHHH!!! Post nasal drip!” But with the possibility of bronchitis and pneumonia in my head, it’s a relief to know that there’s nothing more dangerous than a sinus issue.

f.r.o.G…fully relying on God

3 Comments on “Nothing serious”

  1. #1 Karalyn
    on Dec 18th, 2007 at 7:40 pm

    Really glad that Peyton's cough is nothing serious. Hope she feels better soon. Hugs, Karalyn

  2. #2 Angela
    on Dec 19th, 2007 at 11:44 am

    What a relief. Hopefully she will feel much better (and not share with her family) by the weekend.

    Christmas in the mail today. Tell me, don't you just love things that make loud noises?:SMILE


    on Dec 19th, 2007 at 2:09 pm

    So glad it is nothing serious! Hope Peyton is feeling better today and that you are all well and able to enjoy the Christmas holiday.