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Early Easter egg hunt

A story I forgot to tell, but HAD to share!

On Tuesday Peyton and I went to the Children’s Cancer Center for the Lil Tales play group for preschool age cancer kids. They provided all sorts of Easter goodies for them, candy, paint, coloring for eggs and sweet baskets.

Peyton went to Grandma’s house with 9 hard-boiled eggs that she had colored while there and she was really proud of those eggs. Grandma dropped her off at home with 9 hard-boiled eggs and then we promptly forgot about them. Yesterday I saw the carton sitting in the bookshelf and freaked out, I had forgotten to put them in the fridge!

I figured that they could be salvaged by putting them in, show them to her on Easter and then pitch them in the trash.

When I picked up the carton…it was empty.

The eggs were gone.

“Peyton, where are the colored eggs?”

“I hid them!”

“Where?” (slight panic setting in at this point)

“I don’t remember.”

This is not good. Since I refused to play a game of “Wait and follow the rank smell”, we walked around the house and found eggs in laundry hampers, a bathroom, in a bed, in the kitchen and various other places throughout the house. She’d done a mean job of really spreading them out.

9 eggs hidden…9 eggs found. A more desperate egg hunt has never been performed.

f.r.o.G…fully relying on God

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