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Can dirt be clean?

Today the girls and I celebrated spring by planting some little flowers. Rachael wanted to know why we couldn’t use the dirt in the yard instead of the fresh bag of potting soil I’d gotten and these words actually came out of my mouth “because we’re going to use good clean dirt”….would you believe Pete had the nerve to laugh at me? Anyway, we scooped our good clean dirt, we scattered our little seeds and if they live through the thorough drowning the girls gave them then they’ll make it through hurricane season for sure. It was so funny when an hour later Rachael yanked Peyton back outside to check on their flowers and Peyton looked at the flower pots, shook her head sadly and announced her gardening a failure “No, still just dirt.”

Peter and I attended a Relay for Life and then check out the Luminaria link.

Then it’s on with the merry-making until 9AM!! Whooooo….let me tell you, we were in this room with a bunch of college students and I have to tell you that I’m seriously worried that I am not going to be able to hang with all the youngsters. I’m too old for all night fun times, but I’m going to give it my best.

I’m shamelessly sending out emails and letters for donations, and it’s so much fun to watch people rise to the challenge to do good for a great cause. I have the most wonderful friends and family and they do have wonderfully generous hearts.

There is much to be completed and organized in the next few weeks before the event and I have many little ducks to get in a row, but I’m looking forward to having this to do.

Peyton is doing great since we got home. She’s feeling really sparky since we got home, having lots of fun with friends this afternoon and with her grandma and siblings this evening. Tomorrow the kids are going to play at my friend Kim’s house so that I can go back to the hospital. Not for treatment, but so I can visit Tiffany and Anna. Anna’s not improving as they’d hoped she would and her treatment is about to get much harder and I want to go down and give Tiffany some support and encouragement. We can all use an extra shoulder during times like these.

f.r.oG…fully relying on God

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