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A little movie crazy

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvcvi1IioSY]So, here's another movie I put together.[/url]

(Note to those who saw it early, I had to make a last minute change to the ending, so hopefully it's right now. If you linked to it on your website, you'll need to change the URL.)

This one isn't about our family, it's just the most amazing, wonderful, brave kids you've ever seen. It's meant to pull heartstrings and make people notice that pediatric cancer needs us to get active and protect our kids!

So, pass this one on, spam the heck out of your friends and family….make sure everyone gets to see it.

f.r.o.G…fully relying on God

ps….you might notice that the time stamp on this post is 2:38 AM….I'm watching Little Einsteins, with Peyton guzzling milk and popcorn…I LOVE steroids!

3 Comments on “A little movie crazy”

  1. #1 penny hawkins
    on May 22nd, 2007 at 6:23 am

    I will post on our web – well done!!!!! That says it all. Penny

  2. #2 basi
    on May 22nd, 2007 at 8:42 pm

    Hi Anissa,
    I can't believe how creative you are, especially at 3 in the morning. By the time Peyton is finished with chemo you may be getting a nomination at the Sundance Film Festival. :WINK I've already started getting responses from my friends,

    Keep up the good work, love, basi

  3. #3 dug & angela
    on May 22nd, 2007 at 9:07 pm

    Awesome! We just watched it together. We are making it our post for the day.