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Day 3 Pain

This was the day after Peyton’s surgery.

Her mom and I had not yet learned that we needed to press the morphine button every 15 minutes. I had always thought of morphine as an negative thing, associated with addictions. She was already getting some morphine at 15 minute intervals. I relieved my wife and let her go do something with the other kids.

At first Peyton didn’t want me around, so I sat on her bed and started playing with a puzzle. She eventually started playing a little bit with the puzzle, but really wasn’t into it. She just crawled up into my lap and wanted me to hold her. She held onto my neck as hard as she could and said, “Daddy I hurt. Daddy I scared.”

They say you should try to not break down in the room, but I just couldn’t.

I also made sure to push that button every 15 minutes.

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